Powder coating is currently the most popular method of coating materials with various textures and materials. Why? because it is by far the most durable, cost-effective, and coverage varnish option available. It is most often used for coating metal surfaces, but more and more often, powder coating is used for varnishing wood. Today we will deal with the specificity of this process.
The use of powder coating in the coating of wood
We recently wrote about the benefits of powder coating, but we would like to remind you of them. Among the most important benefits of using this method are its economy, efficiency, durability, and environmental friendliness. The dynamic progress in the varnishing industry makes powder coating more and more popular every year. The situation is similar to natural materials. Powder coating of wood is by far the most advantageous option for varnishing this type of material on the market. The powder method includes varnished wooden boards and fibreboards, which are needed for the production of furniture, decorations, and other wooden accessories.
How to prepare a wooden surface for powder coating?
Before powder coating, wood should be properly degreased and free from dirt and surface damage. When we plan to use the powder method to cover the surface of previously varnished wood, first of all, remove the varnish layer by sanding it with coarse sandpaper, for example, in the range between 50 and 80. During sanding, the most important thing is to move in the direction of the grain. This guarantees the integrity of the coating. Then the surface should be levelled with the higher grain of the paper to seal the fibres. Such preparation significantly increases the quality and durability of the wooden surface covering. A process aimed at obtaining the effect of a wooden surface by powder coating and the imitation of wood is also possible. It allows you to obtain the effect of wood without cutting down forests.
What is wood powder coating?
Powder coating is a varnishing technology that is widely used in many industries and that works well for covering many types of surfaces. Metal elements are by far the most common powder-coated elements, but this trend is changing, and now the powder coating technique is also successfully implemented when it comes to wood coating.

The powder coating of wood is as follows: The paint, in the form of a powder, is applied to selected wooden elements that previously needed to be cleaned and degreased. Electrostatic powder particles adhere to the painted surface due to the action of electrostatic forces. After the paint has dried, the painted objects are then fired in a special furnace at a temperature ranging between 180 and 200 degrees Celsius to ensure the melting and polymerization of the powder, which then takes the form of a varnish.