Fencing is commonly used to protect industrial gates, pedestrian fences, and shipping routes to protect pedestrians and transport routes, to protect sensitive areas, and to protect machinery and production lines. Bumpers are installed in warehouses, production plants, loading docks, etc. They provide basic protection against vehicle impact.
The column barrier are made of high-quality steel. The products are powder coated in yellow and additionally marked with black stripes. The end of the post is permanently sealed with a welded steel plug. Bumpers both effectively protect storage shelves, machines, and equipment of the production line as well as structural elements of industrial halls.
The posts are attached to the ground with screws.

What are the characteristics of the column barriers from the Elektron company's offer?
The main feature that we place emphasise when manufacturing our column barriers is their quality. On the one hand, it focuses on high protection against mechanical damage and resistance to various external factors. On the other hand, it focuses on obtaining attractive and stable aesthetics over many years of use. The fact that we use a modern and well-equipped machine base translates at the same time into the optimization of production costs, which significantly reduces the price paid by customers purchasing our protective posts.
Another important advantage of each column fender from our assortment is its functional aspects. As a product of this type is not only to serve as a form of physical protection of a given space or objects against damage but also to play the role of a warning element, metal posts from Elektron are covered with good quality and long-lasting effect with powder paint. In addition, at the final stage of production, we also cover them with stripes of black reflective foil, which ultimately translates into excellent visibility of the fenders, even over a long distance and in poor lighting.
Elektron-steel barrier posts in many different variants
The main advantages of the range of column barrier we offer, in addition to high-quality workmanship, also include the comprehensiveness of the offer. As an experienced manufacturer with an established position in the market, we provide our clients with a very wide and heterogeneous range of products of this type.
Depending on your needs, the individual protective posts we provide may differ in many parameters, including height, dimensions of the base, or the diameter of the pipe. Additionally, even though the aforementioned standard colour of the finish of our fenders is yellow, we are also able to use any other colour from the RAL palette at your request. The situation is similar in the case of all other parameters deviating from our conventional offer; on special requests, we make column barriers strictly tailored to the individual project submitted by the customer.
Therefore, if you are interested in the offer, we invite you to cooperate with us. At the same time, we also encourage you to contact us if you have questions or would like to receive advice. Our experienced team will be happy to provide you with professional support in the selection of the most appropriate steel bumper posts for your needs.